what makes Baraka Obama so cynic about captive centers in India? Is this because of his lack of understanding of economics or prejudiced political agenda or lack of maturity to accept globalization. Whatever it may be, he has succeeded in terrorizing the United States from this third world country. If United States decides to pull back all captive centers belonging to US MNC back to their homeland and we in third world decide to stop imports from United States, what would be the score then? Will Obama even have face to walk in the cross hall of the white house.
Few points that will help us better to form an opinion
- 1. The American trade deficit with India is around 12%,
- 2. Software Industry contribute less 5% to India’s GDP
- 3. Zinc, Sugar, Steel (& related items) along with precious metals are top exports of India to United States
If you understand the statements mentioned above correctly, Obama is putting his energy in wrong directions, intentional or out of ignorance, he knows better. For India, it cannot be of much concern as software exports to Europe and rest of the world continues and net impact on its GDP will be negligible. India’s IT export to USA is approximately equal to total US exports to India. Then why just target these captive centers? Why not heavy metals and precious stones which contributes to a big chunk of India’s export to United States.
Such false stunts of world leaders is hurting the economy, relationship and most importantly recovery and hope for better future. Hope they someday will realize the mess they created for gaining few extra applauses.