Sunday, December 11, 2011

Congratulations to Anna

It was a fantastic feeling to see leaders of top national parties of India at same platform, debating for a strong JanLokPal bill. Leaders from opposition including Arun Jaitely, Brinda Karat and few others pitched in with their views - none disappointing and all encouraging.

Perhaps now is the right time for large population of this country who still are missing from action on Janlokpal bill to come out and stand in support of this movement that is being written in golden words.

About the power hungers and control freeks - may God bless them with wise minds.

Friday, December 2, 2011

FDI in Retail

Debate is on and parliament functioning is off - Is FDI in retail is good for Indian farmers or is it going to make poor man more poorer. It will create job opportunities for job seekers but at the same time will it not hammer small entrepreneurs who continue to dream of doing something of their own - not sure, and nor do I believe that anyone can be sure on this.

Putting this behind, in the interest of people of this nation, if we are not able to build on a conviction then why should we not put this controversial initiative on back burner for sometime and look at other opportunities or needs where FDI will definitely help without impacting the weaker (economically) section of the society.

Let look at FDI in aviation, FDI in research, FDI in manufacturing, FDI in farm services, FDI in river linking, FDI in exports!! hmm quite different but we must look at opportunities to innovate in investment. Sounds crazy but that's what rosecurry is all about.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Punish the whistleblower

Vindo Kambli says he doubts 1996 world cup semi-final was fixed. He raises flag with data, data from team meeting, data from pitch report and data from the fantastic script that we witnessed on that awful evening of 1996. So how does this country with rich cultural heritage reacts to the allegation or rather doubt, Punish the man who speaks after 15 years of actual incidence or may be its too late now or simply question WHY NOW? – Damm…when will you for God shake! When will you move out of this Hippocratic living. The tears from Kamli’s eyes washed away his cricketing career that night. The pain and anger was evident that night. WHY THE HELL DID YOU CHOSE TO BOWL FIRST? – Well there are many questions but no answer – no one is ready to jump in and speak out. Where is Sachin Tendulkar or where is Siddhu?

Execs are busy deciding how to punish this whistleblower. Court case, sanction his retirements, no pension, put him in bar or wipe out all his records. Do whatever you can but punish vinod kambli for speaking out, even if he is correct why so late. Damm….

The fact is that no conspiracy will ever be planned on document or recorded on video. Cases like this can never be proven in court of law – whatsoever is the magnitude. Cases like this should or can only be solved based on circumstantial evidence. Don’t wait for MOM from bookies meeting. Record all team meetings on video – follow this as practice. But this is solution for future. Today, talk to players who were present in dressing room, did Indian batsman played bad shots (intentionally) or the pitch was the lone factor in India’s defeat. Answers many such question before punishing the whistleblower and then I may say – you go it right. But till such time please don’t set wrong examples by punishing or even cursing the whistleblower.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The King and a Fisher

How will kingfisher fly? - is the question our all time most educated Prime Minister is struggling with. Where can I can right amount to bailout and return wings to this haunted little bird. Haunted ? - Yes, haunted by lavish life style of its chairman and wimps and fancies of a man who considers himself as boon to human being.

While our beloved Prime Minister has already confirmed his decision on subsidies to common man, 'India cannot sustain subsidies on LPG, Petrol and Diesel', he is also convinced that Kingfisher must fly again, where does the wings come from doesn't matter. Flying on loss making routes is not Mr. Malya's duty but its his responsibility to announce service discontinuation to masses well in advance and ensure that his customers do not suffer for choosing to fly by kingfisher. Manage your house wisely else you'll end up bagging for the rest of your life.

I hope the noble and wise of Indian leadership don't agree to bailout inefficient management of private and public sector. People of India cannot effort to pay fuel bills of lavish life style of corporate heads. In words of Mr. Rahul Bajaj I see a hope that my money, our money will be used for betterment of underprivileged.

Monday, October 31, 2011

For you Mr. Bachchan

I grew up watching Mr. Amitabh Bachchan and sincerely till day I am most thrilled when I watch him in new character or in new episode of KBC. The charismatic personality of sree Bachchan made him the most successful entertainer of all time - globally, a title well recognized by BBC's millennium survey that titled him as Super star of the millennium, and world will have to wait for another 89 years to get next super star of the millennium.

Well enough is said and known about this greatest entertainer, and seriously each of his fan is a walking wikipedia on Sr. AB. This time though I have a different reason for appreciating his persona and it is that the comfort with which Mr. Bachchan adopts to newer technology and damn he gets so used to it is amazing.

Read his blogs, and you will learn that not just content but his style too is very different than most blogs I read. I am fascinated by his commitment to tweet, irrespective of the situation he is there every day, talking his mind out and communicating what his fans loves most to hear from him. At 69, not many can get hooked to Tweeter and blogging but this buddha errrr.... actually still angry young man has demonstrated the way each buddha that leaving life with newer style, each decade is the right way to celebrate life.... and yes, technology is definitely getting easier to learn and get hooked to.

Read Mr. Bachchan's tweets and blogs on following link!/SrBachchan

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dig Deep

Anna against corruption soon turns out to be Anna against congress. Civil societies fight against corruption is now viewed as fight against congress. Yes, thanks to immature front-face of Congress that took up episodes of Baba ramdev and Anna. And if that was not enough loose comments from diggy in the heart of India made things worse.

Dig Deep vijay - and u will soon realize the pain and anger that is fueling the war against corruption, war that will soon blow you up unless you get your senses back to ground.

What happened with Prashant Bhushan is his faith, and you trying to cash on it by taking on BJP is probably reveals the kind of person you are. Had it been otherwise, heat of India would have been in far better shape and you must be ruling rather than

In the war against corruption all parties are seating around a round table and smart people will soon figure out who is in for them and who is in for themselves.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Poor of what kind

आप किस तरह के गरीब है? येह सवाल थोडा विचित्र जरुर है परन्तु सोचने पर मजबूर करता है. जी हा, यह सच है, हमारे लिये यह जानना बहूत जरुरी है की हम वाक्य में गरीब क्यों है? और जब तक हमे जवाब नहीं मिलता हम गरीब ही रहेंगा.

गरीबी के प्रकार.

जनम से गरीब: यह वेह लोग है जो अपने साथ अपना कर्म ले कर आते हे. इनका कर्म महेनत और कोशिस से भरा होता है. यह वोह लोग है जो सायद अपने नसीब को सबसे जादा कोस ते है, इनका जीवन सिर्फ जरूरते पूरा करने में बीत जाता है. इस सब के बावजूद कई ऐसे लोग होते है जो अपने आप को अपने जनम के कर्मो से मुक्त करने में कामयाब होजाते है. यह वो लोग है जॉब सबसे जादा अपने आप में और सायद भगवान् में विश्वास रक्तेह है. यह लोग अपने जनम की कमी को अपने ज्ञान या कर्म से पूरा करते है.

ज्ञान से गरीब: यह वो लोग है जिनमे ज्ञान का आभाव होता है. इनकी गरीबी इनकी कम सिख्षा की वजह से होती है. इन्हें इनकी कम लाय्कत की वजह से ऐसे काम मिलते है जिनमे कमाई कम होती है. लेकिन ऐसे कई लोग है जो ज्ञान की कमी के बावजूद अपने जीवन मे तरकी पातेहे, ऐसे लोग अपने ज्ञान की कमी को समजते है. इनके  लिए ज्ञान नाहोना सिर्फ एक वजह होती है और ये इस वजह के परे जीते है. ऐसे लोग अपने अज्ञानी होने को सबके सामने स्वीकार ते है एवम सबको  इसका होने का महत्त्व भी दर्शाते है. यह कर्म में विश्वास रख्खते है.

कर्म से गरीब: यह वो लोग होते है जो जनम से मीली सम्पत्ती का महत्त्व नहीं करते. यह अपने धन को अपना हक़ समजते है और ज्ञान होने के बावजूद महन्त नहीं करते. ऐसे लोग हिंदुस्तान के हर सहर में भरमार मिलते है जो ज़िंदगी भर सर्कार के भरोसे रहते है. यह कभी खुदके दम पर कुछ नहीं पाने की इच्छा रक्कते. इनमे खुदगर्जी ना बराबर होती है और ये अपने आप को तीस-मर-खा समाज ते है. पारीवारिक धन और ज्ञान ऐसे लोगो के कम नहीं आता है और यह इनदोनो को जल्द खो देते है. इनका बचाव सिर्फ और सिर्फ इनकी कीमत कर सकती है जो इन्हें गरीब होने से बचालेती है.

गृह से गरीब: यह वो लोग होते है जो बेहिसाब दोलत और ज्ञान के बावजूद गरीब हो जाते है. इनके गृह यानीकी किस्मत इनको कामयाब नहीं होनेदेती है. ऐसे लोग कर्म के अलाव धर्म में भी विश्वास करते है और यही विश्वास इनके गृह को बदल सक्कता है. बहोत कम लोग यह कर पाते है.

हक़ से गरीब: इनलोगों में इच्हा ही नहीं होती के यह अपनी गरीबी को दूर करे. यह गरीब होना ससे अच्छा समजते है और कामयाब लोगो को सक्क की नजर से देखते है. ऐसे लोग कभी भी अपनी गरीबी दूर नहीं करसकते और न कभी यह अपने जीवन का मूल्य समजते. यह सिर्फ और सिर्फ जीवन का अपमान करते है.

हर तरह की गरीबी से लड्डा जा सक्कता है परन्तु हक़ के गरीब का कोई भल्ला नहीं कर सक्कता है. आप अपने जीवन में जब कभी किसी गरीब को देखे तो पहले यह समजने की कोसिस करे की यह गरीब क्यों है और सिर्फ उसी कमी का दान करे जिसकी उस व्यक्ती में आभाव हो. इसीसे भारत निर्माण होगा.

Friday, October 7, 2011

10 Years of Modi Raj

Narendra Modi has been living two life at a time, one of a hero - role model of millions across the globe who believe in improvement and second of a villain - most hated politician for thousands across India.

The post of New India has been delivering consistently for 10 years now and under his leadership people across community and religion have prospered. Yet many are still not ready to let go their mental model of a communal Narendra Modi.

Media and in particular few NGOs continue to target him, blame him and wants to punish him for willful killings of thousands of innocent people. In no investigation, in no court judgement - has ever concluded any role of Gujarat CM in post Godhara riots of 2002. Then who is media and these NGOs to announce a verdict and hammer image of India, isn't this face of pseudo secularism, are they being paid by helplessly fading congress party or are they running short of news stories.

I am not coming out with any verdict nor do I have any mental model of people for 2002 riots, however I will wait to hear from highest authority of law in India on their final verdict - and if they find Narendra Modi guilty so will I honor that decision but for now, I cannot stop celebrating 10 years of Modi Raj just because of whims and fancies of manipulators.

Congratulations to Narendra Modi for completing a decade long Raj. God is with you.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Jobs well done

What can I say about Steve jobs that has not be shared on web in past 12 hours. Still magnitude of his achievements is so enormous that I could not stop my-self from posting this post.

i did it - I mean i products (iPod, iPhone, iPad, i..., i.........., ........) from Apple did it, yes indeed - they launched and they dominated. That's the story of i Products launched by Steve Jobs in last ten years. The first decade of 21st will be remembered for success that Steve achieved with his out of the box products that change the way we look at technology today.

While Steve has been great visionary his true talent from what I can see was his ability to chose people that would help him get close to his dreams. People who will make him successful, people who will have ability to put Steve's lenses and delivery what Steve sees. All great products that he launched were worked upon by team - and Steve's true ability for me was in identifying right people and motivating them to get to the dream. A job well done Steve. We admire i.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fear-Factor: NRN & CB

One is the most successful IT entrepreneur of his generation and other a new generation novelist. Both debating on quality of over a 1,00,000 students who graduated out of IITs in last over a decade or so. There is no doubt on quantum of achievement that both these individuals have achieved but that does not permit them to comment on quality of such prestigious institutes.

The out-dated philosophy of 70s generation is hurting moral of modern India that is struggling to get their space amongst old and stale thoughts - IITs Alumni are pushing are hard to seek control of IITs, and that’s what NRN said. So Mr. NRN if you believe so great in your alumni power they why don’t they start and engineering institute on their own and take it to the top. Criticizing is easy – do it yourself.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Modi on Fast

Modi on Fast - the news broke out like a wild fire and our media ran post to pillar to gain viewership covering the story live from venue or shall I say started a race on who criticizes modi better.

Media has been deliberately ignoring the coverage of all great work that Narendra Modi has done, and guess what, in-spite of Media outcry this man has managed to earn name and fame all over the world, something media could not digest till date.

Well done Mr. Modi - keep going I love to see media biting their nails......

Monday, January 17, 2011

5 Failures of PC - My view

One of the biggest disappointment of Dr. MM Singh's government has been Home Ministry. For me I looked up at PC with great hope and expectation which now are shattered. There have been many issues that caught fire in last few year, all with same root cause, PC was always reacting never proactive.

I am upset and so are Indians who had high hope, and hence this post;

  1. Naxals: You decide to setup additional police posts and chose to deploy additional forces on our own people rather you should have preferred to talk and try and pull Naxals into mainstream. They are product of our ill doing, negligence and poor treatment. You can chose to use your Airforce to eliminate Naxals but you would never be able to eliminate Naxalisum. They are not your vote bank but that does not mean you neglect them.

  2. Regionalism vs Nationalism: You feared Marath vote bank and you feared hindi heart land vote bank. So you decide to take no strong action against RT neither do you believe daily wagers from UP Bihar deserve better life. You inability to take strong action against such incidents has fragmented India and thoughts of piece large than picture is now seen everywhere. AP is on fire for your inability to keep people together.

  3. Kashmir: Yes it is integral part of India and it always will be. You have no answer to boiling issues with Kashmiri youths nor do you believe in reaching out to people. Kashmir was never so disturbed in recent past as it was in last one year. You failed in building bridge between angry mob and central government, neither you did anything for Kashmiri Pandits who are true identity of Kashmir.

  4. Price rise: Utter failure in controlling inflation. Maybe this is not your department and but you as a home minister are responsible for anything and everything in this country. We demand strong action to curb price rise and control inflation that is killing mango man of India.
  5. Farmers: Last but your greatest failure. Farmer suicide is on rise in India, recently published figures in TOI suggest about 7% increase in farmers committing suicide in India. What do you have to say, may be they are not your vote bank but they too deserve to live.

    Finally to the party that gave us iron man of India as our first home minister. We need leader who is Indian and who commands equal respect from all parts of India. We need a person who deliver and not just talk nicely. Hope you learn lesson from your current failures and deliver people what you promised.